See what it is!

Chris bent down and examined the thing. It was a white sheet of paper, folded in half and carelessly discarded on the ground. He picked it up and opened it, but there was nothing inside. He creased it again and carried it with him, planning on disposing of it whenever he reached the nearest trash can.

It only took a few seconds before he was in front of the trash can, hand up and ready to drop the paper in. But just before he let it go, words began to appear on its surface...


Chris blinked a few times, making sure that he wasn't just seeing things.

Don't you want all your dreams to come true?

Chris thought it was a rather ridiculous question. No, he wants all of his dreams to die.

All you have to do is write them down...

He stared at the paper for a few moments longer, rereading the words and thinking rather deeply.

Keep the paper! 
Toss it.